Food sector in Saxony
- Herausgeber
- Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft
- Artikeldetails
Redaktionsschluss: 20.08.2018
Seitenanzahl: 24 Seiten
Format: DIN-lang
Sprache: englisch
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The food sector has for years been one of the top performers among the manufacturing industries in terms of turnover on sales. Its remarkable development since 1991 is mainly due to its proactive
entrepreneurs who have shown high personal commitment and invested their expertise and capital in the establishment and
expansion of state-of-the-art companies. The Saxon spirit of invention is quite proverbial. Still today, the actors in the food sector of the Free State of Saxony continue to show courage for
innovation with a large number of new products and continuous process optimization. The future is being shaped by new trends for more sustainability and latest findings in nutrition research.