
The startup scene in Saxony

Establishing & supporting businesses



Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr
Ausgabe: 1. Auflage
Redaktionsschluss: 12.08.2019
Seitenanzahl: 38 Seiten
Publikationsart: Broschüre
Format: Sonderformat
Sprache: englisch
Barrierefrei: ja
Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Employment and Transport Department of SME Financing and Guarantees

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It’s time for a new generation of startups! Saxony provides excellent opportunities for startup founders to implement innovative business ideas. And it also boasts a wide range of support options – because startups advance the Saxon economy, strengthen innovation, and create sustainable jobs. Information on support programmes, startup initiatives at Saxony’s universities, consultancy services, financing options, and startup networks can all be found in the The startup scene in Saxony – Establishing & supporting businesses brochure.

(Online Edition)

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