Energy Efficiency Excellence
from EnercitEE regions
- Herausgeber
- Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
- Artikeldetails
- Ausgabe: 1. Auflage
Redaktionsschluss: 15.06.2011
Seitenanzahl: 96 Seiten
Publikationsart: Broschüre
Format: A4
Sprache: englisch
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The dissemination of innovative ideas and projects dedicated to improve the energy efficiency is a key field of action within the EU-project EnercitEE. This brochure compiles outstanding good practice examples from five topics dealing with energy efficiency: buildings, energy generation and distribution, mobility, innovation & technique and communication & motivation.
All good practice examples were collected in the five EnercitEE partner regions: Saxony (Germany), Emilia-Romagna (Italy), Smaland (Sweden), Lower Silesia (Poland) and Haute Savoie (France).