
Reorganisation of Land Holdings

Land Development Toolbox


Reorganisation of Land Holdings

Reorganisation of Land Holdings
Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie
Ausgabe: 1. Auflage
Redaktionsschluss: 17.08.2013
Seitenanzahl: 92 Seiten
Pub Type: Broschüre
Format: A4
Sprache: englisch

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The reorganisation of land holdings is an important instrument of Integrated Rural Development.
The brochure gives an overview of the various tasks and possibilities of the reorganisation of land holdings using practical examples.
The brochure is divided into six topic areas: agriculture and forestry, nature conservation and environmental protection, flood protection, infrastructure measures, land regulation and land management and mitigation of mining consequences.
A few Saxon proceedings are described where it has been possible to respect the interests of landowners, farmers, communities and the authorities. Also land use conflicts have been resolved and ownership structures adapted to the new requirements.

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